Submit Sale Instructions

In order for us to commence drafting the contract, please advise in relation to the following:

Are you registered for GST and is this a Taxable sale? Please note vacant land sales may be deemed taxable supplies. Newly constructed homes for sale within 5 years by investors may be deemed taxable supplies. Commercial transactions are usually considered taxable supplies. If in doubt, please clarify with your accountant. Please note, if this is your residential property there is no GST Applicable.

Please provide details of all structural alterations and additions and confirm council approval. Please note - it is imperative that we disclose any non approved structures to the purchaser within the contract. Failure to do so, may give rise for future claim against you.

If yes – please indicate exactly what works were undertaken pursuant to this licence.

If not please attend to same – it is a requirement that all properties sold in NSW have smoke alarms.

Please provide more Information

Please provide more Information

Please provide more Information

This is a requirement for all swimming pools in NSW. If you have not registered your pool, please go to and register your pool. From 29 October, 2013 the swimming pool will be required to be registered in order to proceed to sell the property.

The contract MUST contain either (a) a valid certificate of compliance issued under the Swimming Pools Act 1992; (b) a relevant occupation certificate and evidence that the swimming pool is registered under the Swimming Pools Act 1992; or (c) a valid certificate of non-compliance issued under the Swimming Pools Regulation 2008. From 29 April, 2016 it will be mandatory to attach a Spa / Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate to the Contract for Sale of Land in order to sell the property. If you do not hold such a certificate, we will apply for one on your behalf. The cost of same and any works required will be additional to our set Conveyancing charges. Please advise URGENTLY if you would like this office to have our inspector contact you to arrange this mandatory inspection.

Please Select
Please advise if you would like the contract drafted in longer or shorter terms.
Such as plans, council certifications, surveys etc? If so, could you please provide copies of these to this office as soon as possible?
A formal verification of your identity is now the most important part of your conveyancing transaction. To prevent fraudulent activity, we are required to be satisfied beyond any doubt that you are indeed the registered proprietor of the property that is being sold. This verification of your identity will be undertaken by Lisa Tannous of this office and is required to be finalised before your property is listed for sale. We request that you pay urgent attention to the Identity requirements that will be sent to you after you have provided formal instructions to this office in relation to your sale.
Capital Gains Withholding Tax is a Federal Tax aimed to ensure Capital Gains Tax is paid on the sale of the property by all Foreign persons, before funds are taken offshore. For all Australian property sold for in excess of $750,000.00 a clearance certificate FOR EACH VENDOR must be obtained from the ATO. To be eligible for a foreign resident capital gains withholding clearance certificate you must be an Australian resident to tax purposes at the time the sale contract is signed. To apply for the certificate please copy and paste the link below into your browser: Please note: This office will require this Certificate during the course of your sale, it is not required to be provided to us in order to put your contract together. If you are a Foreign Person or Resident and cannot obtain the clearance certificate you may be subject to Capital Gains Withholding Tax at 12.5% of the sale Price.
If there is more than one registered proprietor and you would like for our office to receive instructions from a single party we will require express written authority from you. This can be remitted in the coming week.
If there is more than one registered proprietor and you would like for our office to receive instructions from a single party we will require express written authority from you. This can be remitted in the coming week.
We may require further information from you, pending responses to the above. Please provide your responses by email. We look forward to hearing from you, please don’t hesitate to call should you require any further information.

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